Techniques: Optics, Shock, and Solid-State Physics (>2006)
“Toward Sub-wavelength Spatial Resolution in VISAR Interferogram Analysis”, D. J. Erskine, abstract for 21th Annl. LLNL Signal & Imaging Sci. Workshop (CASIS), May 17, 2016, LLNL..
“VISAR fringe analysis under extreme spatially varying shock loading”, David J. Erskine, Dayne E. Fratanduono, abstract for 20th APS/Shock Comprssn. Cndnsd. Matter, July 9-14, 2017, St. Louis, MO.
“Shock equation of state of LiH to 1100 GPa”, A. Lazicki, R. London, F. Coppari, D. Erskine, H. Whitley, J. Hawreliak, D. Fratanduono, P. Celliers, J. Eggert, M. Millot, D. Swift, G. Collins, M. Morales, K. Caspersen, S. Kucheyev, J. Castor, and J. Nilsen, submitted to Phys. Rev. E., Oct. 2016.
“Ghost fringe removal techniques using Lissajous data presentation”, D. J. Erskine, Jon Eggert, Peter Celliers, and Damien Hicks, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 033106 (2016).
“Speckle-adaptive VISAR fringe analysis technique”, David J. Erskine, APS/Shock Cmprsn. Cndsd. Matter, Tampa, FL, June 14-19, 2015, IoP AIP proceedings paper# H3.00004.
“Ghost fringe removal techniques using Lissajous data presentation”, David Erskine, Jon Eggert, Peter Celliers, and Damien Hicks, APS/Shock Cmprsn. Cndsd. Matter, Tampa, FL, June 14-19, 2015, Proc. AIP proceedings, paper W1.00069.
“Holographic & Time-resolving Ability of Pulse-pair Two-dimensional Velocity Interferometry”, D.J. Erskine, R.F. Smith, C.A. Bolme, S. Ali, P.M. Celliers, and G.W. Collins, Rev. Sci. Instr. 85, 063115, June 26, 2014.
“Numerical re-focusing of 2d-VISAR data”, D. J. Erskine, R. Smith, C. Bolme, S. Ali, P. Celliers, G. Collins, [APS Shock Compression Condnsd. Matter, Seattle, July 7-12, 2013], J. Phys.: Conf. Series 500, 142013 (2014).
"Heterogeneous Flow and Brittle Failure in Shock-compressed Silicon", R.F. Smith, C.A. Bolme, D.J. Erskine, P.M. Celliers, S. Ali, J.H. Eggert, S.L. Brygoo, B.D. Hammel, J. Wang, G.W. Collins, J. Appl. Phys. 114, 133504 (2013).
“Two-dimensional Imaging Velocity Interferometry: Technique and Data Analysis”, D. Erskine, R. Smith, C. Bolme, P. Celliers, and G. Collins, Rev. Sci. Instr. 83, 043116 (2012).
"A High-Resolution Two-Dimensional Imaging Velocimeter", P.M. Celliers, D.J. Erskine, C.M Sorce, D.G. Braun. O.L. Landen, and G.W. Collins, Rev. Sci. Instr. 81, 035101 (2010).
“Recovering a Short Timescale Signal from a Pair of Long-delay VISARs”, D. Erskine, APS Shock Cmprssn. Cndsnd. Matter, Chicago, June 26 - July 1, 2011.
Doppler Planet Search and High Resolution Spectroscopy (>2006)
“Spectral resolution boosting Gemini Planet Imager’s Integral Field Spectrograph using a small Externally Dispersed Interferometer addition”, D. J. Erskine, briefing, GPI 2.0 Mtg, Stanford Univ., March 9, 2017, host Prof. Bruce Macintosh.
“Greatly enhanced exoplanet biosignature from an interferometer addition to a low resolution spectrograph”, D. J. Erskine, P. S. Muirhead, A. M. Vanderburg, A. Szentgyorgyi, AAS meeting, Austin, TX, June 4-8, 2017, poster 118.07.
“High-resolution broadband spectroscopy using externally dispersed interferometry at the Hale telescope: part 2, photon noise theory”, D.J. Erskine, J. Edelstein, E. Wishnow, M. Sirk, P.S. Muirhead, M.W. Muterspaugh, and J.P. Lloyd, J. Astr. Tele. Instrm. Sys. 2(4), 045001 (2016), doi: 10.1117/1.JATIS.2.4.045001.
“High-resolution broadband spectroscopy using externally dispersed interferometry at the Hale telescope: part 1, data analysis and results”, D.J. Erskine, J. Edelstein, E. Wishnow, M. Sirk, P.S. Muirhead, M.W. Muterspaugh, J.P. Lloyd, Y. Ishikawa, E. McDonald, W. V. Shourt, A. M. Vanderburg, J. Astr. Tele. Instrm. Sys., 2(2), 025004 (2016), doi: 10.1117/1.JATIS.2.2.025004, cover article.
(Invited) “Dispersed Interferometers” chapter in book “The WSPC Handbook of Astronomical Instrumentation”, David J. Erskine, World Scientific Publishing Company, Editors: David Burrows and Anna Moore, to be published Jan 2017.
“Canceling Spectrograph PSF Drift Error by Mixing Interferometer Delay Pairs”, David J. Erskine, E. Linder, E. Wishnow, J. Edelstein, M. Sirk, P. Muirhead, J. Lloyd, A. Kim, Proc. SPIE 9908, Edinburgh UK, June 26, 2016, Grnd-bsd. Airbrn. Instr. Astrn. VI, 99085Y, (2016). Poster is above, proceedings here.
“Developing and deploying an externally dispersed interferometer-testbed for visual-band, high-resolution spectroscopy on 2.0-m class telescopes”, J. Maxwell, M. Muterspaugh, M. Williamson, E. Wishnow, C. Harrison, A. Whitehurst, J. Edelstein, David J. Erskine, D. Fishler, F. Hoff, S. Swihart, SPIE 9908, Edinburgh, UK, June 26 - July 1, 2016, Grnd-bsd. Airbrn. Instr. Astrn. VI, poster 9908-278.
“Giving Cosmic Redshift Drift a Whirl”, Alex G. Kim, Eric Linder, J. Edelstein, and D.J. Erskine, Astropart. Phys. 62, pp. 195-205 (2015).
“Phase Stepping Algorithm For Unknown Irregular Steps: Applications in Dispersed Interferometry”, D.J. Erskine, and J. Edelstein, OSA/FTS meeting, Lake Arrowhead, CA, March 1-4, 2015, abstract-summary.
“High Resolution Broad-Band Spectroscopy in the NIR Using the TripleSpec Externally Dispersed Interferometer at the Hale Telescope”, D.J. Erskine, J. Edelstein, M. Sirk, E. Wishnow, Y. Ishikawa, E. McDonald, W. V. Shourt, SPIE Astr. Tele. & Instr., Montreal, June 22-27, 2014, AS105-102, paper 9147-42.
"Precise Stellar Radial Velocities of an M Dwarf with a Michelson Interferometer and a Medium-resolution Near-infrared Spectrograph", Philip S. Muirhead, Jerry Edelstein, David J. Erskine, J. T. Wright, M. W. Muterspaugh, K. R. Covey, E. Wishnow, K. Hamren, P. Andelson, D. Kimber, T. Mercer, S. Halverson, A. Vanderburg, D. Mondo, A. Czeszumska and J. P. Lloyd, Publ. Astr. Soc. Pacific 123, pp 709-724, June (2011).
"Ten-fold Spectral Resolution Boosting using TEDI at the Mt. Palomar Near-Infrared Triplespec Spectrograph", D.J. Erskine, Jerry Edelstein, P. Muirhead, M. Muterspaugh, K. Covey, D. Mondo, A. Vanderburg, P. Andelson, D. Kimber, M. Sirk, J. Lloyd, SPIE 8146, “UV/Optical/IR Space Tele. & Instr.: Innovat. Techn. Cncpts V”, Aug. 21-25, 2011, San Diego, CA, paper# 8146-22.
“TEDI: the TripleSpec Exoplanet Discovery Instrument", J. Edelstein, M.W. Muterspaugh, D.J. Erskine, W.M. Feuerstein, M. Marckwordt, E. Wishnow, J. Lloyd, T. Herter, P. Muirhead, G. Gull, C. Henderson, S. Parshley, Proc. SPIE 6693, (2007).
"Noise Studies of Externally Dispersed Interferometry for Doppler Velocimetry", D.J. Erskine, J. Edelstein, J. Lloyd, P. Muirhead, Conf. Astron. Telesc. & Instrum. (Orlando, FL, May 24-31, 2006), SPIE 6269, (2006).
"The TEDI Instrument for Near-IR Radial Velocity Surveys", J. Edelstein, D. Erskine, J. Lloyd, T. Heter, M. Marckwordt, and M. Feuerstein, Conf. Astron. Telesc. & Instrum. (Orlando, FL, May 24-31, 2006), SPIE 6269, (2006).
Techniques: Optics, Shock, and Solid-State Physics (<2006)
"Heterodyning Time Resolution Boosting for Velocimetry and Reflectivity Measurements", D. J. Erskine, in High Speed Photography and Photonics, 26th International Congress on (Alexandria, VA, September 2004), SPIE 5580, 600-608 (2004).
"Differential Laser interferometer for thermal expansion measurements", Koji Masuda, D.J. Erskine, & Orson L. Anderson, Am. Mineral. 85, 279-282 (2000).
“Separating the Coherent and Incoherent Effects in Pump-Probe Type Experiments on Semiconductors and Other Saturable Absorbers”, A.F. Bello, D.J. Erskine, and H.B. Radousky, Rev. Sci. Instr. 67, 503-511 (1996).
"Techniques in Broadband Interferometry", D.J. Erskine, LLNL Reports #UCRL-TR-201695 (2003).
"Imaging White Light VISAR", D.J. Erskine and N.C. Holmes, Conference Proceedings of High-speed Photography, SPIE 2869, p1080-1083 (1997).
"White Light Velocimetry", D.J. Erskine and N.C. Holmes, Nature 377, 317-320 (1995).
"Increase in velocimeter depth of focus through astigmatism", D.J. Erskine, Rev. Sci. Instr. 66, 5373-5374 (1995).
"Differential Laser Interferometer Apparatus for Thermal Expansion Measurements", Koji Masuda, Dave Erskine, and Orson Anderson, Amer. Miner. 85, p279-282 (2000).
“Separating the Coherent and Incoherent Effects in Pump-Probe Type Experiments on Semiconductors and Other Saturable Absorbers”, A.F. Bello, D.J. Erskine, and H.B. Radousky, Rev. Sci. Instr. 67, 503-511 (1996).
“High Pass Filtering Extends the Dynamic Range for Recording Pulse Shapes”, D.J. Erskine, Rev. Sci. Instr. 66, 4703-4706, (1995).
"Improved Arrangement of Shock-detecting Pins in Shock Equation of State Experiments", D.J. Erskine, Rev. Sci. Instr. 66, 5032-5036 (1995).
"A Technique for High Pressure Electrical Conductivity Measurement in Diamond Anvil Cells at Cryogenic Temperatures", D.J. Erskine, P.Y. Yu, and G. Martinez. Rev. Sci. Instr. 58, 406-411 (1987).
"Equal-Pulse Correlation Technique for Measuring Femtosecond Excited State Relaxation Times", A.J. Taylor, D.J. Erskine and C.L. Tang., Appl. Phys. Lett. 43, 989-991 (1983).
Doppler Planet Search and High Resolution Spectroscopy (<2006)
"Externally Dispersed Interferometry for Planetary Studies", D. J. Erskine, J. Edelstein, D. Harbeck & J. Lloyd, in Tech. & Instr. for Detect. of Exoplanets (San Diego, Aug. 2005), Proc. SPIE, 5905 (2005).
"High Resolution Absorption Spectroscopy using Externally Dispersed Interferometry", J. Edelstein & D. J. Erskine, in UV, X-ray & Gamma Astr. Space Instr. (San Diego, Aug. 2005), Proc. SPIE, 5898 (2005).
"Interferometric Resolution Boosting for Spectrographs", D. J. Erskine and J. Edelstein, in Ground based Instrumentation for Astronomy (Glasgow, Scotland, UK, June 2004), Proc. SPIE 5492, 190-199 (2004).
“High-resolution Broadband Spectral Interferometry”, D.J. Erskine and J. Edelstein, in "Future EUV/UV and Visible Space Astrophysics Missions and Instrumentation", ed. J. C. Blades, O. H. Siegmund, SPIE 4854, 158-169 (2003)
“Spectral Astrometry Mission for Planets Detection”, D.J. Erskine and J. Edelstein, in "Interferometry in Space", ed. M. Shao, SPIE 4852, 695-706 (2003)
"High Resolution Broadband Spectroscopy using an Externally Dispersed Interferometer", D.J. Erskine, J. Edelstein, M. Feuerstein and B. Welsh, Astr. Phys. Lett. 592, L103-L106 (2003).
"An Externally Dispersed Interferometer Prototype for Sensitive Radial Velocimetry: Theory and Demonstration on Sunlight", D.J. Erskine, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 115, 255-269 (2003).
"An Externally Dispersed Interferometer for Sensitive Doppler Extra-solar Planet Searches", J. Ge, D.J. Erskine and M. Rushford, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 114, 1016-1028 (2002).
"Novel Interferometer Spectrometer for Sensitive Stellar Radial Velocimetry", D.J. Erskine and J. Ge, in "Imaging the Universe in Three Dimensions", Ast. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series 195, 501-507 (2000).
"Novel Interferometer-Spectrometer for Sensitive Doppler Planet Detection", D.J. Erskine and Jian Ge, OSA Annual Mtg., Santa Clara, CA, Sep. 26-30, 1999.
“A Prototype Fringing Spectrograph for Sensitive Extra-solar Planet Searches and Astroseismology Studies”, D.J. Erskine and Jian Ge, Amer. Astron. Soc. 194th, Chicago, IL, May 31-June 3, 1999.
“Novel Interferometer-Spectrometer for sensitive Doppler planet detection”, D.J. Erskine and Jian Ge, LLNL Signal & Imaging Sci. Workshop (CASIS), Nov. 12-13, 1998.
Shock Physics Experiments (<1994)
“Measuring Opacity of Shock Generated Argon Plasmas”, D. Erskine, B. Rozsnyai, and M. Ross, J. Quan. Spectrosc. Radiat. Trnsfr. 51, pp. 97-100 (1994).
“High Pressure Hugoniot of Sapphire”, D. Erskine, High-Pressure Science and Technology-1993, (Color. Sprs. AIRAPT meeting), ed. S. C. Schmidt et. al., (AIP Press, New York, 1994), pp. 141-143;
“Shock Wave-profile Study of Tuff from the Nevada Test Site”, D.J. Erskine and W.J. Nellis, J. Geophys. Res. 99, 15,529-15,537 (1994).
“Shock-induced Martensitic Transformation of Highly Oriented Graphite to Diamond”, D. Erskine and William Nellis, J. Appl. Phys. 71 No. 10, 4882-4886 (1992).
"Shock-Induced Martensitic Phase Transformation of Oriented Graphite to Diamond", D.J. Erskine and W.J. Nellis, Nature 349, 317-319 (1991).
"Calculation of the Refractive Index Change in Dissociating Shocked Benzene", D. Erskine, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 1989, Aug. 14-17, 1989, Albuquerque, NM (APS Topical Conf., Albuquerque), Ed. S.C. Schmidt et al., (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1990), pp. 883-886;
"VISAR Wave Profile Measurements in Supra-Compressed HE", D.J. Erskine, L. Green and C. M. Tarver, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 1989, (APS Topical Conf., Albuquerque), Ed. S.C. Schmidt et al., (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1990), pp. 717-720
US Patents (sole author)
6,351,307 "Combined Dispersive/Interference Spectroscopy for Producing a Vector Spectrum", 2/26/02, (IL-10168)
6,115,121 "Single and Double Superimposing Interferometer Systems", 9/5/00, (IL-10000)
5,943,132 "Multichannel Heterodyning for Wideband Interferometry, Correlation and Signal Processing", 8/24/99, (IL-9998)
5,872,628 "Noise Pair Velocity and Range Echo Location System", 2/16/99, (IL-9864)
5,910,839 "White Light Velocity Interferometer", 1/8/99, (IL-9745B)
5,642,194 "White Light Velocity Interferometer", 6/24/97, (IL-9745)
Collected patents: "Techniques in Broadband Interferometry", D.J. Erskine, LLNL Reports #UCRL-TR-201695 (2003).
Diamond Anvil Cell and Superconductivity (Post doc, 1980s)
"Metallic Properties of Orthorhombic High Pressure Phase of GaAs: Theory & Experiment", S.B. Zhang, D.J. Erskine, M.L. Cohen, and P.Y. Yu, Solid State Communications 71, 369-373 (1989).
"High Pressure Visible Spectroscopy of PolyImide Film", D.J. Erskine, Peter Y. Yu and Steven Freilich, Jrnl. Polym. Sci. Part C: Polym. Letts. 26, 465-468 (1988).
"Stability of the Lattice: Electron-Phonon Interaction and Superconductivity in Hexagonal Si", D.J. Erskine, P.Y. Yu, K.J. Chang, and M.L. Cohen, in Proc. 18th Intl. Conf. Phys. Semiconductors., Vol. 2, ed. O.Engstrom (World Scientific, Singapore) p1 (1987).
"Pressure Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature in LaSrCuO to 8 GPa", D. Erskine, E. Hess, P.Y. Yu and A. Stacy, Jrnl. of Materials Research 2, No.6, p.783, Nov-Dec 1987.
"Electrical Properties of High Tc Superconductors Under High Pressures", D.J. Erskine, E. Hess, P.Y. Yu, A.M. Stacy, A. Zettl and M.L. Cohen. Int. Workshop on Novel Mechanisms of Supercond., Berkeley, June 22-26 (1987).
"Superconductivity and Phase Transitions in Compressed Si to 45 GPa", D.J. Erskine, P.Y. Yu, K.J. Chang, and M. Cohen., Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 2741-2744 (1986).
"Dependence of Superconducting Transition Temperature on Pressure in the Primitive Hexagonal Phase of Si", D.J. Erskine and P.Y. Yu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 2770-2770 (1986).
News Related Articles
“Glasses for Mr. Magoo’s Spectrograph”, D. Erskine, Astronomy Beat, newsletter for Astr. Soc. Pacific, edited by L. Shore, vol. 154, p1-7, March 8, 2017.
“Serendipitous Holography Reveals Hidden Cracks in Shocked Targets”, LLNL Newsline, Oct. 14, 2014, reporter Breanna Bishop.
"2006 Oscar of invention winners honored", LLNL Newsline Jan. 19, 2007, p2.
"Interferometer Improves Search for Planets", Science & Technology Review, Oct. 2006, p. 12.
“Finding a Planet in the Stars”, R&D 100 Magazine, p 18, Sept., 2006.
"Planet finders discover new world with fast device", Spaceflight Now, Jan. 11, 2006, pp 1-3, (Erskine mention on p. 2), Univ. of Florida News Release.
"EDI to assist search for planets", LLNL Newsline Dec. 09, 2005, Vol. 30, No. 47, p. 1, reporter Anne M. Stark.
"Search for planets yields shockwave breakthrough", LLNL Newsline Nov. 21, 2003, Vol. 28, No. 47, p. 3, reporter Anne M. Stark.
"Spectral Interferometry: Making the Doppler Planet Search Practical for Small Telescope Facilities", Prime Focus: Tri-Valley Stargazers, Aug. 2002, p 1.
"Physicist's musical Expressions take a classical turn", LLNL Newsline, Feb. 20, 1998, p 3, reporter Lynda Seaver McKeon.
"A white light speed trap", Physics World, Jan. 1, 1996, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp 19-20, reporter Lars Lading.
"Device measures speed with white light", Science News, Vol. 148, Sept. 30, 1995, p 215, reporter R. Lipkin.
“Physicist Erskine’s velocimeter sees the white light”, LLNL Newsline, Sept. 29, 1995, p. 5, reporter Jon Bashor.
"Coal turned into diamonds, then dust", San Francisco Examiner, Sunday Nov. 3, 1991, staff reporter.
“LBL physicist’s `synergic art’ ”, LBL Currents, Berkeley, CA, fall of 1986, reporter Adrienne Kopa.
“Model will guide search for new superconductors”, LBL Currents, Berkeley CA, July 19, 1985, vol. 12, No. 28, p 1, reporter Lynn Yarris.